
Posts Tagged ‘growth’

What on Earth Do You Want to Do?

It is only fear that stops us from growing.

Let me share to you what I mostly learned from my experience being an O.F.W at a young age of 26.  This experience is, without a doubt, one of my life’s milestones.

A good friend had asked me just few weeks before I left for Saudi to become an O.F.W. if I could survive there.  I couldn’t answer her objectively, at that moment, if I could be able to survive because honestly, I still didn’t know if I totally could, in body and in spirit.  In fact, that was the exact moment when my fear sank even deeper into my consciousness.  BUT what I firmly held on is this particular faith that I can classify as a supernatural one: God will protect me wherever I go and He knows that the desire of my heart more than anything else is to grow tremendously as His child by experiencing something that only a handful of people dare to go through.  Yes, I was fearful simply because I was going to an uncharted territory and arguably the most difficult one BUT I was also perfectly aware that only fear would stop me from growing.  So I didn’t let fear conquer me so I took that memorable flight to Saudi in spite of the overwhelming presence of natural fear.  I took that flight ALONE.

IMG_2109 I worked in Saudi for almost 2 years in a huge arable farm as an Accounting Officer.  It is situated on a desert.  And yes, you have heard it right: Desert.  And I got what I had expected all along: GROWTH in various aspects.  Apart from significant financial provision,  I embraced difficult experiences that made me stronger.  For me, the overall experience was priceless.  I also gained new knowledge for the enhancement of my career.  And I won friends.

Now, please allow me to tell you something about yourself.

If you want to grow, you have to be willing to become inconvenient and try something that only a handful of people are willing to go through.  Life is too short not to take risks.  Life is too short not to welcome changes.  In the aspect of love, you have to say “I love you” in spite of fear.  On the road, try to drive, in spite of fear and possible vehicular accidents.  Just take that plunge, boy.  In business, you have to give up something, money and time, in spite of fear, to achieve an exponential growth or to accumulate serious wealth that only a business can provide.  In your spiritual journey, don’t be afraid to tell people about the existence of God and what Jesus has done for you and me: A renewed life.  Try something different, try something new.  And try something exciting but within the bounds of morality.  Try “hard enough” to experience growth and to fully live your life.

Because if you don’t want to grow, then what on earth do you want to do?



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